
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kelsey B Photography

A few Saturdays ago Matt, Kelsie, Orrin, and I took Zoe and Cohen to get some pictures taken from a good friend of mine. Both Kelsie and I thought that if we fed the babies before we went that they would be happy and smiley for Kelsey. Little did we know that both of them would be so tired when we got there that both of them were very onry. Kelsey was able to get a few good shots of both of them though, and right as we were about to give up and try another day, they both fell asleep and we were able to continue with picture taking.

Kelsey did a good job and we are so happy with the turn out!

Here are the end results!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kidney Stones..

Alright so my last post said something about a UTI.. Well come to find out it was no where near a UTI.!

Let's start from the beginning. 
A few Thursdays ago I went in to see my doctor, because I thought that I was in the middle of a UTI and I just wanted to get it to go away! For some of you that don't know what a UTI feels like....You constantly have the sensation of feeling like you have to go to the bathroom really bad. So the doctor put me on some medication that should have made it go away.

So for a little while it was working, the pain was gradually going away. Until the next Thursday hit!. I was at work and I started to have the feeling of needing to pee my pants like every ten seconds! But when I would go to the bathroom nothing would come out! So I thought that the medicine hadn't kicked in or something..  I thought I would just let it go for a little while, until my left side started to have a stabbing pain in it...For about 2 hours I held it together thinking that it was just going to go away, but when it didn't I just left work and went to the emergency room! As soon as I got there they hooked me up to an IV, and started to analyze what was going on with me. I got about 3 doses of Morphine because the pain was just too much to bare!!(Good stuff by the way :) ) After all the morphine my oxygen level sorta dropped so I had to have oxygen hooked up in my nose. It was way uncomfortable. 

The doctor came in and told me that they had found traces of blood in my pee and that that is a sure sign of kidney stones. Let me just say, coming from a person that JUST had a baby, kidney stones are WAY worse!!! I would have a baby 12 times over than have another kidney stone! So after my oxygen and things stared to come back, the nurse unhooked me from all the monitors and told me I was good to go..The doctor gave me some prescriptions for some yummy drugs and another prescription for an anti-nausea pill. Which both worked wonders on me! :)

Over all lets just say....KIDNEY STONES SUCK!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What the HECK!!

So Cohen has decided that he wants to learn to ROLL OVER! Last night he started to arch his back a ton and he was basically on his stomach. Yes, I know that this is going to happen, but I thought I had a little bit more time with my baby. :( After he started to get the whole rolling over from back to front I wanted to teach him how to go the other way too.. So I helped him a few times and then he just did it by himself... Now let me just say that he hasn't really tried again since, but it is a start people! :) I'm so proud of my little man!

He is also doing to cutest thing ever! (Kinda annoying though) He is started to want to suck his thumb while he drinks his bottle! haha. So he holds the bottle with his left hand and sticks his thumb right on inside his mouth. Breaking the sucking seal of his mouth, he now creates a funny sound whenever he eats now.! I love him so much! :)

Matt is trying to get into the Y. He has been trying for quite some time now, but every time he tried to make an account it wouldn't let him. So he called someone there and they spent a very long time trying to figure out the problem. And well the problem was this....Someone had stolen Matt's social and had created an account already. So now that they have figured that out Matt is on his way to becoming a COUGAR. He might not be able to get in this fall but come spring BYU better watch out! :)

I applied for a different promotion at work this last week. It is called Donor Processor Lead. I am already the lead on the floor, so this isn't a promotion or anything just a switch-a-roo. I don't really think that I am going to get it, but the hours a bit better and that is really the only reason I applied.. I just miss being home at night with Cohen and Matt. So we'll see how it goes..

(I really suck at pictures)